========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Thu, 7 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 774 Today's Topics: 2600 track=mouse conversion E-mail to Sozobon (once again) New Comp.sys.atari.st.xxxx --- Lets Discuss NeXT compared to TT Prodigy run under Spectre GCR? So what do we really need? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 Dec 89 05:18:19 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!psurge@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Troy Carpenter) Subject: 2600 track=mouse conversion Message-ID: <7315@cs.utexas.edu> On November 27, 1989, Bruce Blaner gave instructions for changing the 2600 trackball to a mouse on the ST. Here is an update to that modification: I assume he was refering to the CX22 trackball, which I just modified using his instructions. However, it was noted that only the left button would be usable with the trackball. What follows is a description on how to modify the right button on the trackball to be the right mouse button. First, cut the RED wire that leads from the left button to the right. if you notice, both buttons are connected through a black and a red wire, cut only the red one and cut it close to the left button. Lead that wire out the back of the trackball and close the case, we are now through with the internal modifications. Now you must cut open the connector on the other end, being carful not to cut any of the wires. Inside you should find a plastic block with all the wires running in. You will be inserting the wire (you will need to extend it) into hole number nine. Looking at the CONNECTOR, not the port, the holes are as follows: ------------- \ 5 4 3 2 1 / \ 9 8 7 6 / --------- There might be some kind of plastic plug going into that hole. BE CAREFUL, don't pull out any of the other wires, you might not be able to put them back in! If in doubt, look in any reference manual such as ST Internals. Remember to check if you are look at the PORT or the CONNECTOR. You want to get the wire to hook to the PORTS pin 9. Now when you have room, shove your wire (with bare end, of course!) as far as it will go into that hole. Tape everything back up with electrical tape as tight as you can, then tape the extra wire along the cord back to the trackball unit to keep it from being pulled out. Plug in your trackball and see if the right button will now work (Interlink uses the right button extensively, but from the desktop you use it to access something in a window other than the active window.) Normal disclaimers apply, I did this mod in 5 minutes after I modified my trackball, so it really isn't that hard, just be sure not to force any wires out of the jack when cutting it open. Please don't blame me if you screw up your connector, Use this mod at your own risk. Feel free to write if you have any questions about this mod. I thank Bruce Blanar for his original description on modifying the trackball, it makes an excellent "remote" mouse. Now you can use those program which require the right button also. Troy Carpenter Computer Sciences THE University of Texas, Austin psurge@cs.utexas.edu ------------------------------ Date: 7 Dec 89 22:44:00 GMT From: ubc-cs!alberta!myrias!mj@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Michal Jaegermann) Subject: E-mail to Sozobon (once again) Message-ID: <629073841.17187@myrias.com> Ok, this is official. ;-) My offer to serve as relay in case of troubles still stands. Answers for a question about Arkenoid - please mail to a real author of this message. Arkenoid? What is that? --mj mj@myrias.COM ...?uunet,alberta?!myrias!mj >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sozobon authors can be reached at the following mail addresses. If you have been having problems, try mailing again; 'wldrdg' has been having problems getting mail. These problems are (I think) fixed now. Also, note that 'tony' has moved (as in changed jobs). Tony Andrews (top, cc, ar, stevie) uunet!dunike!onecom!raid5!tony Johann Ruegg (hcc, ld) uunet!dunike!onecom!wldrdg!hans Joe Treat (jas) uunet!dunike!onecom!wldrdg!joe P.S. Does anyone know the fix for Arkenoid with Rainbow TOS?? Johann Ruegg Sozobon Ltd. ------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 89 03:49:04 GMT From: van-bc!mdavcr!rdr@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Randolph Roesler) Subject: New Comp.sys.atari.st.xxxx --- Lets Discuss Message-ID: <696@acrux.mdavcr.UUCP> [sorry Canada - should have dist = world first time around] [Sorry about skipping "keywords"] I have noticed that Comp.sys.atari.st, probably like most sys newsgroups, serves as a multi-purpose forum. A. Discussion of Atari St Past, Present, and Future. B. Off the cuff advice on hardware/software/etc. C. Pearls of wisdom which should be saved for all time. D. Etc. I would like to purpose that we (the readers of Comp.sys.atari.st) divid the newsgroup up into an unmoderated discuss group and a moderated advice group (with, maybe, and question and answer group on the side). The advice group would be intended for those pearls of wisdom, and would be archived, index, etc, for the masses and the years. Perhaps we could name the new groups Comp.sys.atari.st.d = discuss and unmoderated free forum Comp.sys.atari.st.a = advice and moderated archived, index, etc maybe Comp.sys.atari.st.h = help and unmoderated qustion and answers This not an offical call for discuss for creation and renaming of newsgroups becuase there is a few issues to be worked out. 1) Who is to moderate 2) Where can we archive 3) What are the newsgroup names to be 4) Whether this is a good idea 5) etc. I am not an expert on any facet of Atari St, but, since I am not one of those talkers (and not doers) I will volunteer to be moderator of the new newsgroup. I suggest that I am not the bestperson for this job. If you think you would do better, please volunteer. (Really, someone from Atari should do this - but they (Atari) would have to promise not to bias the newsgroup towards Atari's own add-on products). I can not archive the newsgroup. If there is enough feed make on this issue - I will put together a proper usenet proposal. -- ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It's not the size of your signature that Randy Roesler counts - it's how you use it! MacDonald Dettwiler & Assc. email ...!uunet!van-bc!mdavcr!rdr BC Canada 604-278-3411 ------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 89 04:41:44 GMT From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!caesar.cs.montana.edu!ogicse!blake!ramsiri@tu t.cis.ohio-state.edu (Enartloc Nhoj) Subject: NeXT compared to TT Message-ID: <4807@blake.acs.washington.edu> In article <4749c4bb.20b6d@apollo.HP.COM> rehrauer@apollo.HP.COM (Steve Rehrauer) writes: >other hand, what IS it aimed at? It seems likely that a TT system will >cost $3K or more. In the U.S. at least, I guess beyond us hackers who >have money to spend I don't see who the buyer is. The ST doesn't have >the software base (or at least, it doesn't have the marketing presense) >or "pedigree" here to attract many business buyers. $3K is far more >than Joe Average Consumer is willing to spend on a computer. And if >it isn't bundled with a decent & attractive set of goodies, it might >not attract the wealthy hackers either. So who buys it? I'm curious. >-- >>>"Aaiiyeeee! Death from above!"<< | Steve Rehrauer, rehrauer@apollo.hp.com Get the TT in university students' hands for $1500. Support developers.. information and docs always available.. Students graduate. They get jobs :-) THey LOVE the TT and progeny. They want and demand the TT in the workplace because the TT is the platform they know and love.. THe [ ] community accepts the ATARI. -kevin ramsiri@blake.acs.washington.edu ------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 89 04:39:38 GMT From: sdcc6!sdcc13!pa1323@ucsd.edu (Some call me...Tim) Subject: Prodigy run under Spectre GCR? Message-ID: <5637@sdcc6.ucsd.edu> In article <24790@cup.portal.com> Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com writes: >HOward C. Johnson asked if anyone had gotten the Prodigy software for the >Mac to run under Spectre emulation... > >A friend of mine investigated this very question, and found that the >Prodigy software, which ran perfectly on a real Mac, wouldn't run on >his Spectre. I don't know exactly what the problem was, but my friend was >quite disappointed. ... I ran Prodigy on my friend's GCR, and it worked fine--AFTER we put the GCR into MacPlus mode (alternate- +). It also needs system 4.1 or newer, I believe. Tim Mensch. (Waiting for the local computer store to get in some more GCR's... They ran out QUITE fast...) ------------------------------ Date: 7 Dec 89 21:06:23 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!samsung!aplcen!jhunix!esp_05@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Stdnt 05) Subject: So what do we really need? Message-ID: <3568@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU> So what is it exactly that we really need? I've heard mention of De Re Atari and OS listings and all sorts of good stuff, shadows from the past. Which brings to mind... APX. Anyone remember the Atari Program Exchange? From it's demise it could hardly be construed that it was a bad idea--I see its failure as the beginning of the end for the 8-bits. But it was a great thing in its time, and it produced a lot of quality software for a machine that didn't attract much development (sound familiar?). So what we need is the Atari Program Exchange reincarnated, probably more mature (and thrifty) than it had been in the past. Any comments on this? Eric Ruck ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #774 *****************************************